Lighten Up! A lifestyle resolution.

The New Year is a wonderful time to set ambitious goals and dream about our perfect future to come. Hopes are high and motivation is at its peak during the first steps towards bettering ourselves and our lives. It's a beautiful notion- have a plan, stick to it. Simple. But I am certain that life will continue to challenge us. There will be things we cannot control and our calculated linear plan might take an unexpected detour. So, as we set our intention for the new year, may we embrace the unknown, stay present with our choices and remember why we are setting a particular goal. Whether you're looking to drop some lbs, improve your health, amp up your career or tame your stress response, your success (and your sanity) will depend on your ability to ride the inevitable ups and downs with a light heart and a flexible attitude. If you're looking for positive and sustainable changes in 2016 (and beyond), my 30-day "Lighten Up" program will help to reboot your body, mind and spirit!



Lighten Up! 

Your guide to a lighter, happier, healthier YOU. . .



* Use your food as medicine, not poison. Below are some general guidelines for rebalancing the body. If you have certain dietary restrictions or allergies, please adjust to your needs.

  • Anti-inflamatory plan: Cut the sugar, alcohol, processed foods/oils, soy, corn, gluten, nonorganic dairy and everything "artificial". Check all ingredients, not just the nutrition info! Choose foods that come from the earth.
  • Eat seasonal, local, organic whenever possible. Go to town on all veggies! Eat fruits, raw nuts, lentils, quinoa, black beans, eggs, fish, chicken, lamb, beef, and bison. Oils should be pure and unrefined- coconut, olive, grapeseed, and avocado.
  • Prepare your food on Sat/Sun to save time during the week. You are worthy of the effort and having a plan will only support your success.
  • Stop counting calories?!? That's right, get over obsessing about how something is going to make you fat... or skinny. This is an old school approach to managing your weight and it sucks. As your body finds it's natural rhythm again, it will tell you when it is hungry and when it is full. Pay attention and listen to it's cues. Don't waste your energy worrying about numbers and being a slave to your calorie journal. It's exhausting and unnecessary. Trust that your body is well equipped to heal and allow it time and support to do it's thing! 


  • Drink it. A lot of it. Half of your bodyweight in ounces is suggested for proper hydration and happy cellular function. (i.e. If you weigh 180lbs, your daily water intake should be 90oz. or more)
  • Add lemon to your water. This helps to balance pH, remove toxins from the body, improve lymphatic function and support immunity. 


  • Light/Moderate exercise for 30-60 minutes/day. Go for a walk/jog, hike, swim, dance, yoga or play. It's all movement and it's all good. 
  • If you've been on vacay from exercise but looking to get stronger, I recommend easing slowly into higher intensity workouts. Allow for proper progression and listen to your body. This will help to prevent injury and reduce the chances of major setbacks.


  • 7-8 hours/night. Give yourself a curfew and permission to let go of the day.
  • Unplug. Cut all technology/electronics 1 hour before bedtime 


  • Take 1-3 minutes to journal daily. The process of writing is a powerful tool in transformation. It helps to focus our thoughts more clearly and serves as an outlet for the restless mind. Set your intentions daily. Make it simple and realistic. Focus on something that's within your control (i.e. your perspective, your actions, your attitude, etc.)
  • These are all simple things that can dramatically change your life... 
    • Note 1-2 daily intentions for yourself (i.e. I will be patient with myself) 
    • Feelings of gratitude and self reflection. Note the feeling itself... this is where positive rewiring of the brain happens!
    • Uplifting quotes/affirmations (i.e. I am worthy of a healthy relationship)
    • Forgiveness and letting go. Practice letting go of the past and/or things you can't control. It will only keep you stuck and weighted down in the long run. Chances are, if you're feeling frustrated, resentful, saddened, guilty, or pissed off, your outer world will reflect your state of mind. If we're looking to "lighten up" from all angles, we've got to be willing to let that sh*t go. Write it out. Don't spend too much time festering over anything. And move on. 


  • 2-5 minutes/day... Or more if you're into it. 
  • You don't have to chant OM for hours on end or retreat far away into the wilderness to meditate. There are many different flavors of meditation and it's important that your unique taste of zen fits realistically with your lifestyle. Stay open and willing to different methods that work for you. After all, the purpose of a dedicated meditation practice is to become more conscious of your inner world. Allow your growing awareness to empower your choices and broaden your perspective.
  • Become the observer of your thoughts without reaction. No judgement, aversion or attachment to the fluctuations of your mind. We are all crazy in our own special way and we can only tame our wild monkey mind if we are, first,  aware that it's there. 
  • Options:
    • Breathing- sit or lie down. close your eyes (if you're comfortable doing so). watch your inhales. watch your exhales. Try to find a rhythm that matches the in with the out breath. Keep it gentle and easy.
    • Imagery- Close your eyes. Focus on a place in nature or an image that brings you peace. Your mind will wonder off. No biggie, just bring yourself back each time you notice you've gotten distracted.
    • Walking/Hiking- If sitting still is a challenge for you, take an easy mindful walk around the neighborhood or find a trail to explore. Observe your surroundings. Feel your feet connect to the ground. Notice your posture as you move along. All without judgement.
    • Guided- There are many guided meditations available online. I personally enjoy content from,, and
    • Sound- Close your eyes. Listen to all the subtle sounds around you. Notice the vibrational qualities of what you hear. 
    • Art- doodle, paint, craft, create. Let your creativity flow without attaching to a desired outcome. 


May the new year bring you joy, peace and abundance! Booyah!!!


Questions or comments? nterested in a more individualized program? 

Contact Me! Would love to hear from you :)




Shelby Hensler